Fairies sit back and relax this one for the hubby’s because we can’t plan our own proposals … or can we?
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Whether you’ve been together for 6 months or 7 years eventually there will be a proposal right?
While some men are hopeless romantics the majority of them are clueless when it comes to organising anything let alone a proposal! So we’ve put a little list together of a few breathtaking locations that will have you in awe you may forget to say Yes!
We highly suggest you tag your man 😉
The Rocks
Hunter Valley
Observatory Hill Park
Pier One
Under the Harbour Bridge
Curzon Hall
Wendy’s secret Garden
Luna Park Ferris Wheel
Helicopter Proposal over Sydney Harbour
Harbour Bridge Climb
Feature mage via @Ohsoperfectproposal
Written By Jamal Mohamad