Married At First Sight Is Back, Groom Is Left In Tears

Ahh finally, Fairies, the reality TV show we’ve been patiently waiting for, is back! Married At First Sight 2020 made its debut last night, and we are impressed! While fans speculated who ends up with who, we noticed tensions already rising between participants. Are you ready for this year’s drama?

The show started off with the typical formalities; hens and bucks nights, chit-chatting, toasts about promising not to steal each other’s husbands – you know, the usual. And then we got down to business. The experts were seen matching up the first two couples to be married at first sight, and frankly, we thought they did a damn good job! Until we didn’t…

Meet The Newlyweds

Cathy Evans

26, Logistics Investigator

Cathy is the first to arrive at the hens, but when she does… her first words are “Ooo, FOOD!” and she heads straight to the grazing platers and bubbly – Cathy, you may already be our favourite. Cathy is described as being sassy and independent, but she’s struggled to find a lasting relationship in today’s brutal dating scene.

“I have had so many terrible dates… the worst date I’ve been on was the one that looked at me and was like, “You were not what I was expecting”. He didn’t speak to me the whole ride in the car, and I saw him on his phone, on Tinder. He unmatched me and was talking to his next date. As soon as I got home I started crying. I’ve been cheated on in the past with multiple other relationships I’ve been in. It’s just made me think I wasn’t good enough and I thought maybe I wasn’t attractive anymore. I feel that I’m lonely and sad, but I’m okay. I’m strong. There’s a lot of experiences I want to share with someone, I’m worthy of love, so why not give it another chance. I would like children and I want that feeling of stability. The perfect marriage for me, is that person is your best friend, and they are loyal, you guys are a team, it’s like a puzzle; you guys just fit. To fall in love during this experiment I’d just be ecstatic, and I just can’t wait to meet him.”

Josh Pihlak

28, Industrial Operator

The retired party boy has dreamed of becoming a father since he was a young boy – and he says the time has finally come for him to settle down.

“These days days it seems just to be Tinder or Instagram and I don’t really like the idea of talking to eight different girls at once. I’d rather talk to someone, focus my attention to them and see where that goes. If it doesn’t work out then you know, wait till you meet someone else. I’ve met a few people out, and I’ve just spoken to them, got numbers; just this usual bloody dating scenes. I’ve taken the last year off to get my life back on track and I was in a toxic relationship in and out of life. I was going out partying every weekend and I lost a good girl because of that, and it took that to snap me out of it and say this isn’t what you want to do, pull your head in. I’ve done that last year and I’ve gotten back into work real good, I’m down at the gym and I feel like I’m mentally and physically ready now to be in a healthy relationship. My family’s very close, we’re very supportive of each other. My family’s approval is very important, I have little brothers and my mum raised us as a single parent. I know who my family are and how much they mean to me, and if they didn’t like someone it would be for a good reason. But they’re very welcoming, so they’d have to be doing something bloody wrong for my mum not to like her.”

Poppy Jennings

38, Photographer

The single mum of two-year-old twin boys has been through a lot of pain in her life, after being cheated on and left by her husband, when the boys were only six weeks old. But she’s ready to rebuild her family, and find love again.

“I don’t get out anywhere to meet anybody, my twins, I call them cock and block. It’s not like I’m walking down the street and men are throwing themselves at me, I’ve got two little kids; people assume I’m in a relationship. It is basically me, the boys, the Wiggles. It’s a different life to what I used to have. Finding out that my ex was having an affair and my babies were newborn, I was breastfeeding, I will never forget it… He said “I don’t love you anymore”, and I was just devastated. I just wanted my future kids to have both their parents together, and I just feel like I’ve failed them in that respect. The weirdest thing about having your heart broken when you have little children, is thatchy bring you so much happiness. I just wouldn’t change a thing – I would go through all the heartache I went through to have them As devastated as I was, I never didn’t laugh – they gave me so much joy, they saved me. I do want them to have a father figure and I do want to give them that family unit. It would be nice to find someone to complete the picture. I am really positive about finding love; somewhere out there, there is a guy thinking “Oh my God, I’m going to marry the woman of my dreams”, and he’s going to get me – poor bastard.”

Luke Eglin

39, FIFO worker

During his younger years, the divorcee was married to the mother of their two teenage daughters. Since then, he’s kept busy with work and fatherhood, and found it difficult to maintain a social life, let alone meet someone.

“This has gotta be the craziest thing I’ve ever done, I don’t know how you can match this. I’m gonna be honest that I’m a bit of a Shallow Hal; my past relationships haven’t worked so I think it was a really good opportunity here to actually look at personalities and not look on your first chemical romance. I work by flying in, flying out and when I’m home I’m a Mr Mum, so I don’t have that opportunity of time to be social and be out there, so that’s pretty much the main reason I’m here. My family is my all; we’ve only got a small family, my mum, my dad, my little sister. The perfect wife to me someone who is true to themselves, is happy with themselves. I love respect, I love morals and ethics, so that to me is an ideal sort of partner; you know great humour and banter and a cheeky smile. You can definitely fall in love with someone straight away by their looks in that chemistry feel. I do believe that is true – but at the same time, one those personalities come out and those traits and characters of each individual person, that’s when it can change

Married At First Sight

Cathy & Josh

The sparks truly flew between this beautiful pair. As Josh’s mum gave the thumbs up, the pair swooned over each other.

Josh’s Reaction: “Holy Dooley, she’s gorgeous, bloody woo! You absolute bloody ripper. You look beautiful, those eyes.”

Cathy’s Reaction: “There was this initial attraction, he has this massive grin, his eyes were just like so… blue. I dreamt of a man with light hair, light eyes, tanned skin, nice smile, well here he is.”

The couple went on to enjoy a beautiful night of celebrating, whilst getting to know each other. As Cathy’s insecurities started to take over, Josh asked to speak to her in private and reassured her that he is very interested in her, while she did the same. The couple shared their first kiss and honestly, Fairies, we think this one’s going to last!

Poppy & Luke

This couple was slightly doomed from the beginning, through no fault of their own. Poppy became overwhelmed before the ceremony, however became relaxed during the ceremony. However, as soon as the celebrations began, reality kicked in and she began missing her two boys, and it really showed.

Luke’s Reaction: “I am feeling relieved. She had that smile, she had that laughter, and I was pretty smitten on that, to be honest.”

Poppy’s Reaction: “I just thought “Oh, thank God, he looks like a really nice guy”, and then as soon as he started talking I just knew he’s funny, he’s a decent guy. He was more nervous than me, which put me at ease. I think we’re gonna get along really well, you can tell that we’re probably exactly the same.”

After a worrisome and ongoing episode of anxious emotions, Luke was left to believe he may have done something wrong, or that Poppy was simply not interested in him. After being pulled aside by her friends, she returned to the table to find a teary-eyed look, apologised and got to talking. The pair revealed they both have children, and everything seemed to have become smooth sailing from then on. We think there is a lot of potential for this couple, Fairies, do you?

We can’t wait for the next episode, Fairies! Make sure you keep an eye out for our next juicy recap!

Digital Content Coordinator: Zoe Kanlis

Featured Image: Instagram

Posted in Celebrity, Fashion, Trending by wedded wonderland

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