Are Covid Weddings a Thing of the Past?

Is Covid still impacting Weddings? The Year is 2022, and boy oh boy are we excited to celebrate Weddings and Events like the “good old days”… by that we mean 2019 and prior. 

Whilst it may seem the pandemic is somewhat nearing its end, we know the pressures and trends set through this period still linger.

So what has changed? Is there a silver lining in all of this for Couples?

The short answer is… if you want a small wedding, then yes. Covid can still very much be used as a reason to keep numbers down. 

Weddings have shifted to smaller, more private festivities over the past years. The celebration itself has been rebuilt by couples who prioritize safety and respect for the health of their friends and loved ones. 

Everything about weddings has changed, from the cuisine and service to the live music and dancing. Even the contents of welcome presents for out-of-town visitors have moved to meet the expectations of what is ultimately safe.

We would never have had to make such considerations in the pre-covid period, but we will have to do so now and in the future.

Weddings will be a lot more private and smaller.

Exclusive guest lists will remain popular even after the pandemic has passed, and enormous crowds and high guest counts may become a thing of the past. 

Covid weddings have allowed couples to find that with reduced guest counts. They can allocate their money towards other elements that they may have had to sacrifice to cater for bigger guest lists in previous years. 

Wedding expenses stretch considerably farther when couples aren’t compelled to invite all of their ‘plus-ones. Therefore we believe this will offer them greater license and motivation to keep the guest list limited and thoughtful.

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Source: Lyndsey Anne Photo

A greater awareness of germs will be present.

Although germs are nothing new, the last few years have highlighted the fragility of human life, particularly when it comes to the transmission of virtual illnesses. 

People are more conscious of the hazards than ever before, knowing what we now know about how dangerous viruses are spread between handshakes, embraces, and respiratory droplets.

The silver lining: wedding vendors have learnt how to deal with it all with the past two years of small weddings and covid weddings. Covid has enhanced our collective tolerance for what we anticipate to be required at events. Also, increasing the degree of comfortability among guests and couples so that they may concentrate on the celebration itself. 

These adjustments make it easier for us to go forwards and celebrate in a safer way than previously.

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Source: Diane Khoury Weddings and Events

Hospitality is a key focus

Couples-to-be will want to step up their game when it comes to the hosting aspect of their nuptials, reveling in the joy of reuniting family and friends. 

The wedding weekend experience will grow more essential as couples place a greater emphasis on looking after their guests throughout the weekend, not only on the wedding night. 

People will want to display their love for one another and couples will want to show their guests how much they value them even more than before as we establish our new normal in the world.

Couples may opt for ‘safer’ forms of entertainment as discovered in covid weddings, like violinists that don’t require mingling.

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Source: Ariana Photography Studio

Outdoor events will continue to be the most popular

Even if health regulators give us the green light to hold larger gatherings indoors, places with outside space will remain more appealing. 

We’ve all been in various types of quarantines and lockdowns for the greater part of the last two years. We’ve grown to enjoy having access to the outdoors and not being limited to a typical setting like a reception hall. 

Couples will be even more keen than before to have at least some form of outside element to their wedding, and warm weather months will be much more in demand than before the virus.

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Source: Blumenthal Photography

Posted in Advice, Trending by wedded wonderland

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