20 Important Wedding Planning Tips

Planning a wedding is overwhelming. He’s asked the question, the ring is shining on your finger, now it’s time for the wedding planning. We’ve curated 20 important wedding planning tips to help your wedding planning be as smooth as silk.

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While many couples seek a professional to assist them with their wedding planning, there are a variety of reasons why they may choose to do the majority of the preparations themselves. 

When you’re dealing with decisions, tasks, deadlines, and everyday life, organization is essential for staying on track. The first step is to make sure you give yourself plenty of time to organize your wedding. 

Just remember to keep one thing in mind: try to have a good time! After all, this is your wedding. Don’t get too caught up in the minor details; instead, concentrate on what matters most: celebrating your love for each other and being married in front of your friends and family. 

Here are 20 essential wedding planning tips to help you get through this wonderful period!

1. Don’t leave things until the last minute. Planning a wedding requires you to begin months in advance.

Wedding planning should have you using checklists, spreadsheets, Word, Excel, Google Docs, or anything else as long as you can collect all of your ideas, budgets, figures, and other information in one spot. There are so many details regardless of how big or small your wedding is. Making sure to not miss a thing will need months of preparation and… patience!

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2. Do choose your Bridal Party early on and let them know to truly get involved with the planning process

Throughout the wedding planning process and on the big day, the friends and family you invite to join your wedding party will provide emotional and tactical support. Consult with your spouse to choose the ideal size wedding party for the two of you, taking in mind the costs that come with this unique duty. Throughout the preparation process, consider who you actually want standing next to you during this momentous time and if they are capable of completing the tasks expected of their role.

Source: Liza Standish Photography

3. Don’t be afraid to be upfront and direct with all your vendors. Be clear about what you do and don’t want at your wedding.

It’s critical not to hurry into any decisions when it comes to booking wedding providers during your planning. Consider at least a couple alternative possibilities to ensure that these crucial wedding day partners both understand and can operate within your budget. Wedding vendors are the backbone of ensuring that your special day is unforgettable and works well, so choose a group of individuals with whom you get along. They should be able to understand your vision and you should be able to trust them to carry it out effectively.

Source: Pik Pongpol Photography

4. Do greet your guests. There’s no need to be formal about it but try to acknowledge everyone whether it’s on the dance floor or at the bar.

Acknowledging your guests is an act of courtesy. It’s so simple and doesn’t need tone time-consuming. You can simply do a toast at every table and say thank you. It’s that simple!

Source: Pinkbook

5. Don’t feel like you need to stick to traditional wedding customs or current trends. It’s your big day after all and it should reflect you and your partner’s personality.

When planning your wedding, the focus of the wedding should be on the two of you as a couple. If certain conventional elements make you uncomfortable, feel antiquated, or are simply not your taste, leave them out of your wedding day. Traditions are wonderful, but only if they mean anything to you.


6. Do say thank you. Gratitude goes a long way so be sure to arrange for small gifts for your wedding party and anyone else who played an important role in your wedding planning.

A little gratitude can go a long way. Make sure to plan little presents for your wedding party and anybody else who helped you out with your wedding DIY projects, as well as your parents or any other close relatives who have been there for you and backed you along the road. Don’t forget to make a particular mention of them during the wedding speech.

Source: Yasmin Palma

7. Don’t set yourself up for disappointment by reaching out to Suppliers without confirming your Wedding VENUE as the date centralises around this availability

Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure to compare costs, packages, and any restrictions (such as a minimum budget or guest count) at a few different wedding and reception locations. Once you’ve sorted the venue out you can definitely reach out to vendors and lock-in what you want. Even if you find a venue and package pricing that you like, keep exploring for more information. Before deciding on pricing, shop around and check what other places are charging. This is the most tenuous part of wedding planning.

Source: Sunshine Coast Wedding Photographer Ben Connolly

8. Do keep track of your budget and stick to it!

Many of your wedding-related decisions will be influenced by your wedding budget, so it should be one of your top priorities in wedding planning. If any family members are contributing, talk to them about how much they’re willing to pay. If you’re the one footing the cost, it’s time to take a close look at your money. When it comes to actually budgeting for your wedding day, be prepared for a reality check, as many couples are unaware of the entire spectrum of expenditures involved. Stick to that magic number after you’ve found it!

Source: Goldlight Photography 

9. Don’t wear your heels for the first time on the Big Day. Instead, break them in by wearing them around the house or taking them for test runs to the shops, or work.

Wedding planning covers everything, we mean EVERYTHING! The last thing you want is your wedding heels blistering your feet and depriving you of comfort on your big day. Wear them in. Walk around the house, practice your dance moves or even do chores in them. This will allow your feet to get used to the shoe and the shoe mold to your foot. Ultimately, you will thank us later!

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Source: Harlow Shoes

10. Do delegate tasks to your partner and bridal party. There is no point in overwhelming yourself if others can help.

Don’t feel like you’re on your own when it comes to wedding planning. Consult with your partner along the road; their input is certain to be helpful, and it makes wedding planning that much more enjoyable when you can make decisions together, even if they’re only engaged in select elements. Working for a common objective not only strengthens your relationship, but it also helps you develop as a couple with each difficulty you face together. Your bridal party is there for a reason, accept their help and support.

Source: Nicole Kirshner Photography

11. Don’t try a new facial, hair colour or fake tan days before your wedding.

Trying something new as exciting as it may be, can go terribly wrong before your wedding day. Try avoid doing anything that can irritate your skin, make you look orange or alter your hair. Basically, anything irreversible. Part of your wedding planning should be to organize trials for beauty procedures so that you won’t be left disappointed before your wedding. If you’re thinking about changing your hair colour, make sure to consult with hairdressers and find one you absolutely trust!

Source: Magical Flute Photo and Video

12. Do put your phone away for the day. It can be exciting to update your social media gang throughout the day, but we highly suggest you enjoy your day and post updates the next day.

Your wedding day is one where you should just be in the moment. Don’t worry about your social media accounts blowing up, rather experience it all live and ever-present. This is a good way to recap your day after the wedding is over, seeing everybody’s Instagram stories and posts while you and your hubby wind down from the whirlwind the day was. If you insist on updating your social media during the day, get one of your Bridesmaids or relatives to do a takeover on your phone. That way you can enjoy the moment and your socials won’t miss out!

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13. Do send your DJ a list of songs you do and do not want on the playlist

It’s so important to specify all of the major songs that must be played during the nuptial festivities, regardless of whether you have a live band, DJ, or are handling the turntables yourself. Also, don’t forget to make a list of the songs that you really do not want to hear.

Source: Jenny Quicksall Photography

14. Don’t feel the need to take in everyone’s advice and opinions.

Wedding planning can often feel overbearing, especially when there are so many people that have input. Keep in mind that it is your day. Be polite, accept advice, but don’t let others’ opinions influence your clear vision for the day.

Source: Jeff Brummett Photography

15. Do pack for your honeymoon before the wedding day. You don’t want to be rushing around last-minute after your big day trying to figure out what you need.

If your honeymoon is directly after the wedding, plan to pack. Coming from the hype of the past few months to the wedding day, you and your spouse will be exhausted. Packing your bags so you are ready to go will save you time, effort, and stress that you definitely don’t need.

Source: Chian O’Connor Photography 

16. Don’t invite non-wedding guests to pre-wedding parties.

This one is so important! When wedding planning, make a list of the people you want at every event leading up to the wedding. This way you know who to invite to the pre-wedding festivities and the wedding and not risk making anyone upset. Imagine yourself being invited to a bridal shower but not the wedding… Bizarre!

Source: Korbyn Skye Photography

17. Don’t let your parents take over the guest list. Creating the guest-list is one of the hardest parts of wedding planning and you don’t want it to get out of hand.

Making guest list selections may be a difficult process that is heavily influenced by your location and budget. Make a wedding guest wish list with your partner and any important family members. You’ll almost certainly have to make some cutbacks. You’ll also have to pick whether or not to invite youngsters, as well as who will be assigned a plus one. Pleasing your parents is important, but not as important as making sure your day goes as you pictured it.

Source: Bali Event Hire

18. Do consider the weather and have a backup plan if you’re planning an outdoor ceremony or reception.

There are so many things we can control, unfortunately, the weather isn’t one of them. Be mindful of the weather when wedding planning. It is important to be adaptable if anything goes wrong, so make sure you have a back-up or back-ups.

Source: Love Find Co.

19. Do think twice before you DIY. DIY-ing can be costly, and consume time that you may not have. It may be a whole lot easier to hire a professional to get the job done.

DIY wedding décor items may save you money while also adding a unique personal touch to your big day. But a word of caution: don’t go overboard, or you’ll find yourself with more work than you can handle (and costly). Favors, welcome bags, and other DIY crafts may all be done ahead of time. Professional assistance is important for items like wedding day flowers and meals.

Source: The Union Studio

20. Don’t forget to have fun!

You’re being married, so be fully present and experience the love! Don’t sweat the small stuff or the fact that certain things aren’t perfect. What will your visitors notice the most? An anxious couple who is scrambling to finish last-minute details. Learn to relax and appreciate all of the precious moments with your loved ones by the time your wedding day arrives. Any married pair would tell you that time flies.

Source: Stefano Santucci

For more Wedding planning tips, check out our 50 Do’s and Don’ts of Wedding Planning.

Posted in Advice, Featured by wedded wonderland

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