Dog lovers, pay attention. We’ve done some heavy-duty research* to come up with a number of reasons why those that count their pooch as their best friend make superior wives.

1. They’re Good Huggers

There’s nothing like coming home from a hard day’s work to a huge hug and it’s been proven* that dog lovers give the best hugs. This is because they have likely spent hours perfecting the ‘hugging’ technique with their beloved puppy, so they know how to use just the right amount of pressure!

1Image from Brittany and Justin’s Wedding. Photography by White Fashion Photographer

2. They’re Committed

Because, how can you prove your commitment more, than by caring for a furry animal day in and day out?


2Image from dogvacay.com

3. They Won’t Let You Go Hungry

They’re used to making sure their dog is regularly fed, so they won’t shy away from organising a meal or two for their husband.


3Image from Jasmine and Jasper’s Wedding. Photography by  Ragamuffin Pet Photography.

4. They Know How to Have Fun

Dog lovers are used to spending time at the local park, going for walks and throwing balls, so you can bet they know how to have fun!

4Image from Caroline and Jake’s Wedding. Photography by Inlighten


5. They’re Patient

No need to stress if you accidently put a red shirt into the washing machine with whites. A dog lover has been through multiple chewed shoes, ripped underwear and stained socks, so she’ll know how to react calmly in the situation.

*Note: research and results are purely from a discussion with three other dog lovers.

Main image from mrssizzle.com

Posted in Culture, Lifestyle by wedded wonderland

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