You never make the same mistake twice, but unfortunately, when it comes to your Wedding, you only have one shot to get it right! We’ve spoken with international Wedding planner Marcy Blum (who has a client list including Kevin Bacon, Lebron James and Padma Lakshmi) and she’s dished on the biggest mistakes Brides make leading up to the Big Day.

1. Obsessing

One mistake is that Brides get obsessive over details that really don’t matter. This could include things such as the size of a mushroom on a chicken dish or the specific white of a rose. We joke about this, but too often Brides get caught up in getting ”Weddinged” and forget about getting ‘Married’ and this is the number one error. The best way to fix this is to register your preferences with an expert Wedding planner who will focus on the little things, letting you concentrate on the big picture.

2. Becoming Bridezilla

Mistreating the Bridesmaids, family or future in-laws because they assume that they’re the Bride and should be able to do whatever they want. Remember ladies, your Wedding Day is not a free pass to be a diva.

3. Big Picture

Looking at the whole planning process as stressful instead of embracing it as a time when everyone is really happy for you. Weddings should be fun and if it isn’t, fix it!

4. Losing Touch

Losing touch with your fiancé during the planning because you feel as though you’re burdened with planning the whole event on your own. Don’t let this happen! Keep your Groom close and ask him to be involved – this will be the first few first steps on a long journey together.

5. Jumping Ahead

Booking a space before you really know how many people you are going to have or how much you want to spend. Unless you want to go over budget, or have to cull your guest lists, don’t do this!

6.  Playing Coy

Playing coy with your budget in the hope everyone will give you a better rate. If you have an amount you want to spend on your Wedding, share it with your Wedding planner rather than making them guess. If you don’t trust them to get you the best you can afford, perhaps you shouldn’t be working with them.

7. Staying for a Deposit

Continuing with a supplier you hate just because you’ve already paid a deposit. Sometimes it’s better to lose a few dollars than to continue with something you don’t like just because you have already paid some of it. If you know you don’t like the design or floral or food or whatever early on, it’s unlikely to get better.

8. Skipping a Site Tour

For an outdoor ceremony, it’s essential to go to the site at the time you are planning on getting married and see where the sun will be, what the temperature is like, how strong the wind is and whether there are shadows (particularly for photographs).

Marcy is speaking at the Destination Wedding Congress 2016.This ‘by-invitation’ event is attended by the crème de la crème of destination wedding planners from across the globe who come to meet exclusive suppliers of extravagant venues & hotels, luxury brands, wedding service partners, artists and designers from all over the world. To join the waiting list, click here.

Marcy Blum has been creating magical and memorable events for over 28 years and has consulted for the launch of Disney Fairytale weddings for Sandals Hotels weddings initiatives and is currently consulting with Magritte Inc. on their several wedding properties in Japan. Since launching Marcy Blum Associates Inc., Marcy has built a client list including Lebron and Savannah James, George Soros, The Rockefeller family, Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick, Geoffrey and Margaret Zakarian, Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent, Billy Joel, Katie Lee, and Andre and Christina Iguodala.

Posted in Expert Advice, Planning by wedded wonderland

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