People Prefer Travelling Over Marriage, Survey Says

So we may not know the meaning of life, but at least we now know the secret to happiness (which may as well be the meaning of life, right?)

In a global survey conducted by, it was found that travelling provides us with such a boost in happiness that it is valued over other significant life events, including getting married and having children!

Via @elisha__h

The survey, which included 17,000 people across 17 countries, showed 70% of people find travelling brings them more happiness than material objects, leading to 56% of people saying they prioritise holidays over items including clothing and jewellery.

Amongst the other findings:

Image via @nouraridaofficial

The survey also broke down what aspects of travelling provide the greatest amounts of happiness, with 72% of people saying they get a boost of excitement from researching travel destinations, and 56% saying they’re happiest once they get to book the holiday.

And if you’re the kind to daydream about going far away while you’re trapped in the office on a Monday morning, you’re not alone. 39% of people say they get a boost of happiness by thinking about their holiday more than once throughout the day, 80% are happy looking at a map to research, 52% enjoy planning their holiday wardrobe, and 79% enjoy scrolling through images of their destination and accommodation.

The people have spoken – if you’re looking for a bit of happiness; sit down, budget, and get travelling!

Image via @emilyshak

Posted in Lifestyle, Location, Planning by wedded wonderland

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