Emily in Paris: Love, Romance and… Fashion

Who else is counting down the days to Emily in Paris Season 3 on Netflix, December 21st?! Now we know no one is getting married… well yet. But we are SO eager to recap our favourite love stories, intertwined romance, fashion, and love for Paris! Let’s get started…

Looks like this season is all about choices. A choice when it comes to love, work, and everything in between. Let’s be honest, we are all so wrapped up in Emily’s love life. Last season we watched her love affair with Gabriel unfold, endure a rocky friendship with Camille and fall in love with Alfie.

Aside from this, we always have fashion to look forward to. If we know anything about Season 3, it’s that Emily and her friends will still be serving looks like they always do. We all have costume designers Patricia Field and Marylin Fitoussi to thank for that. Although she’s been having a tough time with life and love, she sure is continuing to make bold and confident choices when it comes to her wardrobe.

Source: Emily in Paris / Netflix

We have never seen anyone pull off loud colours and pattern-clashing outfits quite like Emily. Some may say that her maximalist and ‘more is more’ approach when it comes to fashion can sometimes be borderline tacky, but we still think she is très chic. We especially love this feathered pink jacket that adds to the drama of it all.

Source: Emily in Paris / Netflix

Last season, we were left hanging with Emily caught between returning to Chicago with her boss Madeline (Kate Walsh) or sticking it out in Paris with her mentor (Sylvie Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu). We’ve all been there, second-guessing all our choices and thinking if where we’re at is where we are supposed to be. She’s brought us with her on her Paris journey from lunch breaks at Jardin du Palais Royal to a quaint French Château to visit Camille’s family. We’d love to see more but is she meant to stay in the City of Love or is it time to pack up her bags and come home?

Source: Instagram

Whatever choices she makes, it’s obvious that this season will be packed with drama, fashion, Paris, and more. You can watch Emily’s life unfold on Netflix on December 21.

Posted in Trending by wedded wonderland

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