Eco-Friendly Luxury Weddings: Tips for Savvy Couples

Being eco-friendly is no longer just a trend, it has fast become best practice–especially for wedding planning. Planning your wedding can be totally nerve wrecking (oh boy, have we been there!), but it can be rewarding too, especially when sustainability is at its heart.

Here’s the perfect guide to planning your very own eco-friendly, luxury wedding.

eco-friendly wedding planning

Image via @quentinweberphotographie

1. Choosing an Eco-Friendly Venue

Your love for each other shouldn’t come in the way of your love for the planet. This wedding season, don’t just commit to your partners, commit to a brighter and green future together. It’s time to choose a venue that shines brighter than your love.

Eco-lodges and resorts

Imagine making “the walk” on the green side while you get hitched in the picture perfect Napa Valley, the epitome of eco-luxury. Say your “I do’s” in a setting that is no less than a fairy tale. 

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Image via Vecteezy 

Botanical Gardens

Join the trend of “green weddings” as you make your vows in the Royal Botanical Gardens and let nature become the stage for your love story. 

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 Image via Pavel Neznanov on Unsplash

Wait, there’s more! Couples are also looking out for historical buildings that capture the rustic and vintage essence, to have their very own Bridgeton moment, while embracing the natural beauty of the location. 

Historical Estates

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Image via The Manor Basket Range 

2. Sustainable Invitations and Stationery

Sustainable wedding stationery is the new buzz in the wedding industry. First things first, wedding invitations! Wedding invitations set the tone for your big day, they are like a little sneak peek for your guests to get a glimpse of your wedding theme.  

Recycled paper or plantable seed paper

Imagine receiving an invitation that blooms into a beautiful flower; isn’t that totally cute? And guess what? It is eco-friendly too, which makes it even cuter. Couples are using plantable seed paper and recyclable paper to spread the news. So, why not add this little green magic to your wedding? Both, your guests and Mother Earth will love it!

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Image via Annie Spratt on Unsplash and Pexel

Digital Invitations and RSVPs

It’s time to say goodbye to the never ending tasks of mailing your wedding invitations and then fretting over the RSVP’s. Digital wedding invites are here to save your day–or even days! Set your theme, choose your colours and sit back while you embrace the elegance of your very own digital invites. Take inspiration from Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, who took the green route with their digital invites for their engagement party. Make it creative, and enjoy the extra time to plan your big day!

Minimalist designs to reduce ink usage

Today, elegance is all about minimalism. A sleek, clean and minimalist design for your wedding invite does not only scream luxury but also reduces ink usage. Sophistication does not require a lot of ink– clean lines and simple fonts can speak volumes. So make a statement with your eco-friendly invites. 

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Image via Karen Hill Photography

3. Ethical and Sustainable Fashion

Step into the world of sustainable wedding attires! From world-famous designers to your favourite celebs, everyone is vibing in vintage. 

Vintage or second-hand wedding dresses

Did you know that our very own Ginny from Harry Potter, Bonnie Wright, wore a 100-year old gown on her wedding day? Vintage dresses are making a glamorous comeback into the wedding scene. It’s time to give those immaculate wedding gowns a second life, and let them shine for one more time! 

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Image via KT Merry

Sustainable fabrics 

World class designers including Stella McCartney and Anita Dogre are embracing the use of sustainable fabrics as they dress their brides. Luxurious and ethical wedding gowns are not only making the brides look surreal but also making them feel good about themselves as they contribute to the planet. 

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Image via Karolina Kaboompics and Eugenia Remark    

Renting bridesmaid dresses and suits

If your best mate is getting married, and you’re crying over your outfit breaking your bank account, worry no more. This wedding season, save yourself from all the stress by renting your gowns and suits instead of buying them. Because, let’s face it, you are only going to wear that tuxedo once, so why not rent? 

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Image via Katelyn MacMillan on Unsplash

4. Eco-Conscious Catering

A luxury feast with locally sourced and organic ingredients is surely going to leave your guests and their tummies extremely happy. Drawing inspiration from Paltrow and Falchuk’s appetising menu, let’s explore the sustainable culinary scene!

Opt for a plant-based menu

Plant-based does not mean boring– it means yummy and sustainable! It is time to bring on those colourful salads, scrumptious vegetable mains, vegan cakes and culinary creativity on the table. 

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Image via @royalebrat 

Reduce food waste by planning portions carefully

“Love on the plate, not on the waste”. Couples are looking to work closely with the caterers to estimate the amount of food to the tea, to make sure all guests go home satisfied, but also there are no extra leftovers. 

Donate leftover food to local shelters

Extend the joy and celebrate your day with the people beyond your guest list. Add more meaning to your wedding by donating leftover food to local shelters. Spread love and leftovers! 

5. Sustainable Decor and Floral Arrangements

Create the perfect ambiance for your wedding with eco-friendly blooms to brighten up your day. It’s time to deck up your day with flair and care. 

Reusable or biodegradable decorations

Decoration brings life to the party. As you step into the world of decor, incorporate more environmentally friendly elements to your wedding. Think bamboo banners and recyclable confetti – it’s party time, the eco friendly way!

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Image via Camilla Andrea Photography and NAVYBLUR PHOTOGRAPHY

Locally sourced flowers or potted plants

Ditch the traditional cut flowers, and switch to potted plants for the D-day. Take it home after your wedding and nurture them along with your married life. Don’t let flowers be just a decor to your wedding, turn them into a wedding souvenir for you and your guests. 

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Image via Sasha Trenor Photography

Renting decor items instead of buying

What if your “something borrowed” could be your decorations for the wedding? Sounds different right? But many couples are looking out for options to rent decor to save up bucks and also give back to the community. 

6. Green Transportation

Time to get rollin’ with some eco-friendly transportation options for your wedding day!

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Image via @quentinweberphotographie

Carpooling or shuttle services for guests

Be the ultimate host by setting carpooling or shuttle services for your family and friends. It is not just a ride– it is your way of showing love to your wedding squad and your planet. Plus, who knows? It could turn into a great pre-party bonding session!

Electric or hybrid vehicles for the wedding party

You know what’s stylish (and sustainable)? Making your grand entry in a trendy hybrid SUV. Make a statement and leave your guests talking about your arrival. Make an impact, one ride at a time. 

Encouraging guests to use public transportation

Time to give your wedding crew the ultimate experience by sending a cute little graphic before the wedding showcasing the different modes of public transport that can make them reach your beautiful abode; your wedding location. Help them plan better and get the local experience while they reach to celebrate with you. 

7. Thoughtful Wedding Favours

Last but not the least, discover eco-friendly ways to say “thank you” to your family and friends. The planet will thank you later. 

Handmade soaps or candles

Let your guests experience sustainable self-care with handmade soaps and candles. Who doesn’t love a personally crafted package of refreshing, fragrant soaps and candles? These luxurious gifts are a perfect way of adding the eco-friendly touch to your wedding favours.

Edible treats from local artisans

When we said go local, we meant it all the way through. Bid adieu to your guests with some delicious edible treats sourced from local bakeries and chefs. From gourmet chocolates to artisanal jams, these favours will leave a sweet impression on your guests.

Donations to a favourite charity in guests’ names

Make it more meaningful by making donations to your favourite charities in your guests name and make them feel truly loved and valued. Celebs are doing it, and you should too. 

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Image via @quentinweberphotographie

So, here you go love-birds, here’s your ultimate guide to hosting the best eco-friendly wedding ever! As they say, “Love is the flower you have got to let grow”. So, let’s make it grow into a cleaner and greener world. 

Posted in Planning, Trending, Weddings by wedded wonderland

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