Darwin man sells ex-wife’s wedding dress in hilarious social media post

In what’s possibly the most Australian break up ever, a Darwin man is selling his ex-wife’s wedding dress so he can buy himself a fishing rod and some beer. ‘Scott’ posted the strapless gown on the local Buy, Sell, Swap and Wanted Facebook page, asking $200 for the size 14 dress that was originally $2,000.

“I was actually going to have a dress burning party when the divorce became final, but then thought some lucky bloke would be glad to pay only $200 instead of $2000 for a dress,” he wrote in the post.

That wasn’t the only burning he planned on doing, telling buyers the story behind how he was forced into paying for the gown and an unexpected stroke of luck.

“The dress cost about $2000 that my ex-father-in-law swore up and down he would pay for, but didn’t, so I got stuck with the bill — luckily I only got stuck with his daughter for eight years.

Scott went to describe the dress in the only way most men know how, writing, “train, veil and all kinds of shiny beady things” were included

“I think it’s funny that one picture makes it look like the chest plate off an Imperial Storm Trooper,” he said. “Personally I think it looks like a $2000 shower curtain, but what do I know about this.”

He finished off his sell with, “You may regret the dude you marry, but not the dress.”

The post has since been deleted, but considering his wife took the $6,000 ring, we hope he’s got some well-deserved beer coming his way.

Feature image credit to Diana McGregor Photography


Article written by Alison Donnellan

Posted in Relationships by wedded wonderland

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