During winter, everyone gets into a health slump of sorts. I blame the extra roast dinners, apple pie and lack of sunshine. Wedded Wonderland’s Events Guru, Ash, was feeling the mid-winter slump, so we got in touch with Mirinda from Body Meet Bride to get a personalised fitness and diet program and track her progress.

Here are seven things she learnt throughout:

It’s all in my head

Well, mostly! With the Body Meets Bride program, I learnt that giving myself time to reflect, meditate and strengthen my mind made the eating and exercise plans so much easier to stick to. It’s actually really important to take time out for yourself, especially when you’re overhauling your diet and exercise regime.


Chia seeds and bircher muesli are more than just a fad

These little guys are your friend! They may be small, but they pack a nutritional punch and leave you satisfied for hours (no more hunger pains). My second lesson was that new foods can be fun and exciting. Don’t be afraid to try new foods – they’re not as bad as you think they are.


Confidence is key

Always give a new work out a go. It’s best to start off easy/slow and work your way up. Your body will surprise you and you will thank yourself for pushing yourself a little harder each time.


Healthy food is definitely NOT boring

Who knew lettuce leaves could double as burger buns? I didn’t until I tried Mirinda’s bread-free turkey burgers, it had all the flavour, without the extra calories.


A healthy lifestyle isn’t just about losing weight

I noticed changes in my skin, hair, nails and mental well-being throughout this experience.


Write it down

I found it much easier to hold myself accountable and monitor the changes in my lifestyle when I wrote down exactly what I was eating and when I was exercising.


Nobody can take care of you like YOU

Temptations are everywhere, from outings with friends to my favourite meals cooked by Grandma and it can be hard to say no. It is up to you to encourage your loved ones to support you on your journey. It is important to say no when necessary and it’s also ok to spoil yourself occasionally!


Body Meet Bride is a lifestyle program created specifically for brides-to-be. The aim is to ensure you look and feel your best on the big day, but also make healthy lifestyle changes that become a habit long after the wedding. The program is run online by Mirinda who serves as your personal nutritionist, trainer and coach and comes complete with meal plans, workouts and endless support and motivation. @bodymeetbride

Posted in Culture, Lifestyle by wedded wonderland

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