What Food To Have The Morning Of The Big Day

Let’s be real, on your wedding day, it’s likely that the last thing you’ll be thinking about is getting in a good breakfast cause of all the butterflies and nerves. However, you absolutely have to eat something substantial to have enough energy to get your through your special day. We don’t want any brides passing out on the most important day of their life!

So to give you a little food inspiration, these are the sorts of foods you should consider to include on the morning of your big day.

Something Light & Delicious

You’ll always find something you like to eat on a grazing table! Not only is it aesthetically pleasing and it photographs really well, but you can have a wide variety of different fruits, cold meats and other things to pick on throughout the morning while you get ready which is perfect for those who don’t usually eat breakfast.

Energy Boosters

Food that you can carry on the go while you get ready, getting your makeup and hair done is the way to go! Muesli cups, sliders and mini avocado on toasts will defiantly be a crowd pleaser!

Sugar Rush

For those brides who want a little bit of sugar rush to start their morning off this is the perfect option of you. Have a selection of your favourite pastries, croissants and muffins to create a magnificent array of delicious goodness.

Cultural Flavours

Combine your favourite cultural flavours to give you that energy boost for the big day. Mezze platters and antipasti work well for this kind of setting as they are all things you can eat with your hands.

Simple and Clean

You cannot go wrong with a delicious bagels filled with healthy goodness!

There you have it Fairies, happy planning!

Written By: Alessandra Fasanella

Feature Image Via: Instagram

Posted in Fashion, Planning, Trending by wedded wonderland

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