Tinder has connected this pair for the strangest reason

This Tinder story is going viral and the world can’t seem to get enough of it.

Two students at West Virginia University have a love story that’s unfolding publicly, and everyone is making it their business to convince this couple they’re meant to be.

According to BuzzFeed, 19-year-old Mark Kowalczyk was swiping on Tinder when he came across Jenna Zagrodniczek’s profile.

Her picture was snapped in his very own bathroom, and he had absolutely no idea who she was.

tinder love

Mark tweeted a side-by-side picture of a selfie he took in his own bathroom next to the one from Jenna’s tinder.

“I’ve never seen this girl and yet, her tinder profile picture is in my bathroom,” he tweeted.

Things got even stranger when Jenna responded to Mark’s tweet after someone tagged her.

tinder twitter

This caught the attention of so many on Twitter and everyone wants them to get together ASAP.

tinder twitter

Turns out, Jenna went to Mark’s house party one night but had no idea who lived there.

She told BuzzFeed, When I went into the bathroom, I felt the need to take a mirror picture and posted it later.

Jenna and Mark did match on Tinder, and they’re going to meet for the first time in person “around Halloween.”

We can’t wait to see what happens with this couple!

Posted in Culture, Uncategorized by wedded wonderland

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