Minnesota woman, Jessica Baker was all dressed up and ready to go to her friend’s wedding when she got a call from her Mother to say that she could no longer babysit Jess’ children for the evening. Because it was a strictly kid-free wedding, there was no other option. Jess had to stay home.
Although Jess was disappointed she couldn’t make the wedding in the end, the story doesn’t end here… A few weeks later, Jess got a letter in the mail with a bill for $75 from the Bride asking her to cover the cost of the meals at the wedding. The note on the front of the bill said, “This cost reflects the amount paid by the bride and groom for meals that were RSVP’d for, reimbursement and explanation for no show, card, call or text would be appreciated.”
Jess was outraged and is yet to fork out the $75 for the bill. Check out the Facebook screen shot of comments (they’re pretty hilarious).
Image from abcnews.go.com and Facebook
Image from www.usatoday.com