These newly weds appear to have said “high do” as they posed for an extreme wedding photo shoot 400 feet up a cliff.

The brave bride, Melissa Kornexl can be seen hanging from the cliff face at Cathedral Ledge in New Hampshire, putting all her faith in husband James holding her up.
The photographers Jay and Vicki from Philbrick Photography used their magic and cleverly disguised harnesses which were worn by the couple, safely anchoring the couple to the rock.

The newly weds took their love to new heights, facing winds of 45 miles per hour to capture the unique photos. Melissa’s bridal gown was well thought out to ensure it looked beautiful in the photos but also functioned correctly for the risky photoshoot. The couple’s climbing guide, Marc Chauvin cut holes in Melissa’s wedding dress and James’ suit to thread a rope through to stop the couple from falling.

And the couple had no regrets about their photo shoot, “At the end of the day, we had some beautiful photos. My wedding dress may be gouged, haphazardly sewn back together, adorned with a bit of blood, pine needles, and colour from smoke grenades but it is beautiful and unlike any other. We have a story to share and an experience that we would gladly do again.”

“At that point I had completely forgotten how cold I was. All that went through my mind was how dapper my husband looked on this beautiful autumn morning, and that this was an experience of a lifetime, unlike any others, that held no regret, no matter the outcome,” explains Melissa.
Do not try this on your wedding day!

Written By: Alessandra Fasanella
Feature Image Via: Caters News