Perth woman, Karla Barry, held off going to the hospital for 15 hours after starting labour pains the morning of her friend’s wedding, because she didn’t want to steal the show.
The morning of her best friend’s wedding, Katie Letton, Karla woke up with “quite a lot of pelvic pain”. Once she arrived at Katie’s house to start wedding prep, Katie’s mother, a mid-wife, “picked it straight away” Karla explained.
But taking her maid-of-honour duties right up to 1000, Katie explained to the whole bridal party that she didn’t want Katie to know, because she didn’t want to ruin her day, and take the spotlight away from her.
“It was my biggest concern — either walking down the aisle, having photos taken, or during the first dance that my water would break,” Karla Barry told the West Australian.
While the bride was in the dark, Karla’s partner, Adam Hitchcock, said other guests were a God-send as “everyone in the bridal party had kids before and knew what she was going through, so that was really helpful,” he said. The baby was not due for another week, and everyone knows that the first is always late, so the couple thought they would be fine to attend the wedding.
Then at about 8pm, Karla’s contractions started and upon telling her partner, made the decision to finally go to the hospital. “I was quite upset, because I didn’t want to leave, but yeah, I think if we had waited, baby would have come…out there!”.
Finally, Karla told the bride what had been happening all day and went to the hospital. “Driving to the hospital, I was trying to get my bridesmaid dress off,” Karla said. “It was clipped and hooked, and I was having contractions at the same time. It was a bit of an exciting day”. You don’t say!
Son Xavier arrived at 2 a.m. the next morning.
Image credit: Emily/Sharp Sound Telegraph
I think we all know who Bridesmaid of the year award goes to this year…
Main image source: The Project