Sharon Lee is internationally renowned for her brow artistry, whipping into shape the arches of Heidi Klum, Princess Mary, Kylie Minogue and Jesinta Campbell. We’ve also heard rumours that Sharon Lee is responsible for the fabulous brows of Queen B (Beyoncé)! So, when we had the opportunity to chat (grill) her, we couldn’t leave without finding out the biggest brow mistakes Brides make.
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Mistake 1: Leaving it Too Late to See an Expert.
The first visit to a brow artist should be three-months before to the Big Day with a follow-up a month later and again three-days prior to the Wedding. This ensures that the Bride doesn’t have a reaction to the brow treatment and that there’s no unsightly regrowth on her Big Day.
Mistake 2: Committing Too Early
Sharon Lee advises to never do anything radical to your brows without researching first. Following trends or trying something like feathering should be done only with a trusted expert – the results are permanent, so if it goes wrong, it’s not easily fixed.
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Mistake 3: Trimming
Never trim your eyebrow hairs, because trimmed hair LOOKS like trimmed hair. Put the scissors down, ladies!
Mistake 4: Attempting a Solo Mission
Don’t try and tackle your own brows or let your bestie have a go of the tweezers, because you can be sure that it’s bound to end in disaster. Leave it to a professional.
The gorgeous Sharon Lee at work.
Mistake 5: Never Tint at Home
Buying the at-home bleach or tinting kit can leave you with miscoloured (orange, even blue) eyebrows and can also result in breakage. Chemicals should only be used by an experienced brow artist.
Mistake 6: Being Complacent
Sharon Lee says that another huge mistake Brides make is sticking with the brows they’ve had since high school. There’s never a better time to refresh your brow shape or consider feathering than before the Wedding, so leave those 90s arches and embrace the future!
Mistake 7: Overfilling
We all know that thick, brushed-out brows are in, but be careful not to overdo this look. Too much brow filler looks unnatural and unflattering, so opt for arches that are balanced, soft and complement your face, instead of overwhelming it.
Our own Tsoler’s before and after. Brow game on!
Sharon Lee Inc. was founded by Australia’s leading eyebrow artist, Sharon Lee Hamilton-Clark. Based in Sydney, Sharon Lee has a clientele of local and international celebrities, including Princess Mary, Kylie Minogue, Heidi Klum, Rob Lowe, Leonardo Decaprio, Tobey Maguire and Jesinta Campbell.
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