Loved up couple Shayben and Cristina made a very spontaneous decision to head off to the snow and shoot their very own engagement photos.”We were about to leave Shayben’s place to head to Perisher when he decided we should do a shoot while we’re there. So he asks me if I packed a dress, I obviously hadn’t. So we packed him an outfit and quickly head to the shops and bought a dress for myself (I didn’t even try it on),” Cristina told Wedded Wonderland.
After an almost 6 hour road trip, in minus 3 degree temperature and with 40 kilometre winds and snow, this dedicated and super talented couple shot the most incredible photos all by themselves. “Shayben was the photographer and also in the shoot! So he basically had me stand in the spot he wanted to shoot, set up the camera on the tripod, then join me in the photo. Then hurry back to the camera to check the shot. It was a long process we almost shot for 2 hours. But was well worth it in the end.”
“When it was all over, we sat in the car with the seat warmers and heater on full blast. When we finally got feeling back in our feet, legs, hands, fingers, and face, we went through the photos and couldn’t be happier with the shots we got.”
And looking at these photos, we are in complete awe.
Be inspired, Fairies!
Photographer Siempre Weddings