Over the weekend, one of Australia’s most famous cricketing couple, Michael and Kyly Clare hosted a lavish Baptism for their 10-month old daughter Kelsey Lee Clarke.
The celebration was a burst of soft pinks, white, cream and gold and came complete with a flower wall, a three-tier cake engraved with ‘Kelsey Lee’ and over-sized tulle-covered pink balloons.
Guests feasted on a drool-worthy dessert table which was laden with cupcakes, pink candies and towering vases of peonies, orchids and roses.
Because the event was held on Father’s Day, both Kyly and Michael gave a special shout-out to their Dads – Kyly then posted an adorable image crediting Michael for his ‘dad skills’!
Images from heraldsun.com.au and @kylyclarke