7 Things That Happy Couples do Differently

Not all relationships are created equally or fairly. But if you’d like to spice up your relationship with a dose of fun, why not listen to what we have to say!

Consider the following 7 things happy couples do differently.

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1. They care about each other’s day!

It’s easy to get so busy in our own lives that we forget all about our partner’s.

Happy couples tend to give their partner a hug or kiss and ask, ‘How was your day?’, ‘What did you get up to?’.

Do you really care and listen to your partner? The best thing we suggest is to always keep the communication flowing between your partner and yourself. Even a ‘Good morning’ will suffice!

2. They avoid Jealousy

There will always a wide range of people in this world. All types of genders!

A happy couple will have a great sense of trust towards one another. No jealousy allowed. If you accuse your partner of cheating without cause, will you ever trust them?

Yes, it’s hard to determine the level of faith in a relationship. But, a couple who knows every detail of each others life will gain that trust and learn to be content.

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3. They Compromise

A happy couple will compromise when times get rough.

Learning to compromise isn’t at all easy, but a happy couple will listen to one another’s opinion before reaching a solution. Not everyone has the same desires and tastes, but it’s important to accept the challenges that come our way and face them head on!

When you feel frustrated or even angry, take a breather and try not to be faint-hearted by your partners lack of efforts. Confrontation might sound hard but will go a long way in the end.

4. They express their Love

Sure! They’re not ashamed of the love they bear towards each other!

One of the most powerful expressions in the world today is ‘I love you’. This needs to be said daily.

It doesn’t matter how long you have been together, those three words will make your partner smile. Could this be the difference between you and a happy couple?

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5. They have inside Jokes!

Most partners have a joke that no one ever ‘gets’.

It could be a sweet pet-name that everyone else thinks is awful. Then there is a ridiculous joke that no one else thinks is funny.

When you joke with your partner, do they get offended? Let’s hope not. Think of something that makes them laugh and use it to build that relationship. Who would have thought!

6. They don’t hold Grudges

At the end of the day, we are all human, and we all make mistakes.

Everyone knows this amazing quote by Marilyn Monroe who once said, ‘if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best’.

A bad day at work or even personal stress could make anyone say horrible and hurtful things they don’t really mean. Don’t you just hate regrets?

Our point is, happy couples teach themselves to never hold a grudge. We only live once, so try to forgive and hopefully forget your partners past actions.

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Image via Clinton Power

7. They do new things together

Doing the same thing so many times can get boring.

Go to a different restaurant or suburb that offers delicious cuisine and ambiance. Try to avoid doing the norm and head out for a vacation every year.

The world is enormous, that’s for sure. With so many things to see and do, live life with your partner and let your relationship be an exciting adventure!

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Image via Wear and Cheer

Posted in Lifestyle, Relationships by wedded wonderland

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