Real Wedding: A Cross-Cultural Wedding at Doltone House

Dreaming of her wedding day since she was a little girl, Ashleigh’s special day well surpassed the fairy-tale she had always dreamed of.

“Marrying your best friend is the most amazing feeling in the world and by far the best day of my life so far, the day was filled with lots of emotions but most of all laughs and tears of joy.”

Travelling from locations near and far, family and friends joined the beautiful couple to celebrate their big day. Cultural Wedding traditions were carried out throughout the day, highlighting the bride’s Macedonian background and groom’s Australian background.

Ashleigh told Wedded Wonderland that the most memorable moment of the night was definitely her husband’s speech, as he spoke the first two lines in fluent Macedonian, leaving the entire room laughter, shock and amazement.

Reflecting back on their special day, the couple told Wedded Wonderland the most heart-warming moment was their first dance, a moment they will never forget as they danced away to their favourite song as husband and wife.

Photographer Alan Khan Wedding Photography@sydneyweddingalankhan

Reception Venue Doltone House, Sylvania Cinematographer Louie Monaco Wedding planner Anna Wang @annawangstylist Entertainment Goce Petreski Bananata Bridal dress designer Steven Khalil @steven_khalil Bridal shoes Badgley Mischka @badgleymischka Bridal jewellery Tessarella House @tessarellahouse Bridal headpiece Tessarella House @tessarellahouse Engagement rings Diamond Emporium  @diamondemporium Bridesmaid dresses designer Forever New @forevernew_official Flower girl dresses designer Stelina Cute Couture @stelinacutecouture Groom’s suit Rico Jordan Groomsmen suits Rico Jordan Pageboy suit Stelina Couture Cake designer The Cake Studio  @thecakestudioo Invitation designer Bomboniere Invitation Factory @bomboniereinvitationfactory Florist Anna Wang @annawangstylist Favours Eventful Invites  @eventul_invites Hairdresser Natalie Anne Hair @natalieannehair Makeup artists Melissa Sassine Makeup @melissasassinemakeup 

Posted in Classic, Glam, Real Weddings by wedded wonderland

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