Last night marked the third episode of Channel 7’s newest matchmaking show, Kiss Bang Love which puts an blindfolded, eligible bachelor (or ette) in a room to pash 12 strangers and the choose which ones he or she likes best (based on their kissing skill, not their looks or personality).
You’d have to be paid a fair sum of money to go through that on national television… right?
For Polly, who appeared on the show, it was a measly $200! Polly revealed to Mamamia this week that not only was she paid $200, but for the first day of filming alone, she worked a 14 hour day. That’s just over $14 an hour which is less that Australia’s minimum wage!
Between wardrobe changes, re-filming the same scenes over and over again, interviews and sitting around waiting for the crew to set-up, Polly spent most of her time doing anything but kissing.
“You go in there, and you’re standing there for so long, and you know the person is standing across from you, but you just can’t see anything…I just remembered thinking, ‘Why are you doing this?’, before just putting [my] hands in front of [me] to find him,” she says.
Our biggest question was – did she find true love? The answer is nope, but she got a free trip to Melbourne for the filming and $200.
Interview from Mamamia.