This time of year, just a couple days out from Valentine’s Day you are bound to be inundated with suggestions about gifts and ideas for your significant other.
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Far less common is some frank advice on what not to do, so do yourself a favour and avoid these common Valentines Day mistakes.
1. Give a soft toy
Teddy bears are for children, no adult really wants or needs one.
2. Forget to shave your legs
This point needs no explanation, goes without saying.
3. Spend a lot of money if you haven’t been together for long
Buying your partner an outlandish extravagant gift can actually make them feel ill at ease especially if you have not been together long.
4. Talk about the past
No one wants to hear about the amazing trip to Bali your ex boyfriend got you for Valentines Day. Nor does your current partner wish to be reminded of all the disappointing gifts they have given you, or about how they forgot last Valentines all together. This is literally the worst time to bring that up. Appreciate what you have with your current Valentine and don’t dwell on or try to resurrect the past.
5. Go on a first date
Whatever you do please don’t go on a first date, it’s a terrible idea, its way too much pressure. Valentines Day should be spent with someone who is special to you or whom you are in a relationship with. The last thing you want is to go out to dinner surrounded by couples smooching in the corner, wrapped up in their own blissful universe of love, talk about awkward!!
6. Get depressed
Don’t dwell on your single woes, obsess about your ex or lament to your friends about how you are never going to find ‘the one.’ Focus on the blessings in your life and how fortunate you are and go out and spend some valuable time with your gals!
7. Be alone
Whether you are single or in a relationship do something fun with the people you care about.
8. Forget
For some of us the 14th of February is just another day of the year, of no more significance then the 15th or 13th of February. But for some this day is laden with expectation. So if you are in relationship, don’t take your partner for granted. You don’t have to buy them an expensive gift or make an elaborate gesture, but do something thoughtful like cook them a meal or write a nice card to let them know that you are thinking of them.