8 In Season Flowers for December

Choosing Wedding flowers for your special day can be a tricky task, especially when you don’t know what’s in season! So if you’re choosing to get married in December we have found the eight in season flowers for you, Fairies!

1. Camelia

Camelias are a perfect bridal bouquet addition for a December wedding. The white Camelia flower means adoration, perfection and loveliness – three things that scream ‘ultimate wifey’!

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2. Gardenias

Gardenias are one of the more classic Wedding flowers. They are absolutely gorgeous to look at and smell divine. Gardenias are a great choice for Fairies planning a vintage-themed Wedding!

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3. Anemones

With their striking black centres, Anemones are a fave bloom among Brides. These beauties come in white, blue, red, pink and purple and we think they’re a unique floral option!

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4. Calla Lily

If there was a flower that portrays true elegance, it would be the Calla Lily. These beauties come in an array of different colours and are seriously versatile, working in everything from a classic formal Wedding to a beach-themed wedding.

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5. Parrot Tulips

Tulips symbolise ‘consuming love’ and ‘happy years’, which are the foundations of what a Marriage is all about! They come in various colours and are gorgeous in a vintage Wedding!

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6. Sweet Peas

This delicate flower is pure sweet, but chic! It has a candy-like scent and its ruffles give it a ballerina look!

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7. Carnations

Carnations are making a comeback in 2017 and we are loving it! They are subtly scented, frilly and come in every colour imaginable. They should be on every December Bride’s potential bouquet list.

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8. Amaryllis

The Amaryllis flower are perfect for a December Wedding. The come in various colours and sizes. Some amaryllis flowers have detailed lines going through their petals!

amaryrrlsi-1Image from calierose.com

Main image from Sara and Kye’s Wedding. Photography by Justin Aaron.

Posted in Flowers, Style by wedded wonderland

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