Study: Women Are Happier Being Single Than Men

It’s official. Women are happier being single than men.

A new study by consumer analysts Mintel found that 61 per cent of British women feel absolutely amazing about being single, while only 49 per cent of men feel the same way.

With a consistent reminder of their value as independent women in today’s society – thanks in part to movements like #MeToo and Times Up – women are uniting on a whole new level. So, it’s no surprise that women are happier being single than man.


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“It is easy to assume that all singletons are actively looking for a partner; however, our data shows that this is far from always being the case,” said Jack Duckett, Senior Consumer Lifestyles Analyst at Mintel.

“Much of this reluctance to look for a partner can be attributed to the young increasingly prioritising their education, careers and financial stability over being in relationships.”

The study found that 25 per cent of singles believed relationships to be a symbol of maturity – some even thinking that those who are off the market seem more grown up than what they really are.

But what is the reasoning behind women not looking for a partner? The answer could be simple – relationships can be hella hard. One expert even stated that relationships take a lot more effort from women in heterosexual relationships than it does for men.

Thanks to first and second wave feminism, women now have the ability to work in the careers they want and get the education they need … essentially, we have rights now (but don’t get us started on the gender pay gap).

However, the battles that were fought before have made women realise that they have no time to waste. So, of course women are choosing to prioritise their careers over their love lives. Now they actually have the ability to be financially stable on their own!

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Photo by Clarke Sanders on Unsplash

Another factor contributing to women’s overall happiness is the fact that they have better social networks.

Women tend to be better at having alternative social networks and other confidants, whereas men tend to rely quite heavily on their wives for that and have fewer other social ties,” said Professor Emily Grundy from the University of Essex.

But not all is well for singles, as 54 per cent stated that they weren’t where they expected to be at this point in their life.

Overall, the people surveyed said they do worry about loneliness, financial security and the social pressures from family and friends to find a partner.

Written by Ellen Kirkness 

Posted in Dating, Relationships, Single Ladies by wedded wonderland

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