Over the weekend, Sofia Vergara married her long-time lover, Jo Manganiello in a star-studded wedding attended by the who’s who of Hollywood, including Reese Witherspoon, Channing Tatum, Anna Paquin, Arnold Schwarzenegger and all the Modern Family actress’ cast mates.
Held The Breakers Palm Beach resort, the wedding (including all the pre-wedding festivities) was styled by Mindy Weiss with florals by Jeff Leatham.
Guests were asked to hand in cellphones and cameras before the ceremony, but here’s all our favourite pics!
Images from @sofiavergara
Images from @sofiavergara
Images from @sofiavergara
Images from @georginachapmanmarchesa and @sofiavergara
Images from @curlefreye and @jofia_
Images from @jofia_ and @jofia_
Images from @sofiavergara and @justinmikita
Images from @sofiavergara
Images from @forksnbrides