Honeymoon photoshoots: The next big thing for Brides?

Just when you thought all the fun would end after the wedding day, enter… Honeymoon photography!

This new trend is the perfect way to reconnect with family and guests after the wedding and we think it’s also a great time to capture your newlywed glow made even better with a dose of the honeymoon tan. I mean who wouldn’t want to be photographed in some of the most romantic places in the world like Paris, Santorini, and the Maldives? Yep, we would love that!

Regardless of where you’re going, honeymoon photography is all about the love you have for one another! You’ve just finished all the stressful months of Wedding planning and now you’re in total relaxation mode and just ready to start the new exciting chapter in your life.

Find the One

If you are planning on doing honeymoon photographs, ask your Wedding photographer whether they might or do some research and find an affordable local photographer!

1Image from benduluc.com

Get Creative

Fairies, this is your chance to be as creative as you can! Unlike traditional Wedding photos, the honeymoon photoshoots allows you to go more dramatic in your poses and backdrop. Get artsy and don’t forget to have fun.

3Image from topphuketphotography.com

Activities Work a Gem

Take your honeymoon photographer with your and you’re hubby on an adventure. From snorkelling, wine tasting or even sky diving, get some action shots to add to the album.

2Image from onethreeonefour.com

Main image from Sydney Fashion Blogger.


Posted in Honeymoon, Planning by wedded wonderland

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