Natalie Anne is one of the most sought-after hairstylists in Australia, world-renowned for her influence. So, when she joins Wedded Wonderland on Instagram Live to reveal hair-care tips, you know we’re going to take note!
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Shampoo Twice
“Most girls are shampooing their hair once. They’ll wet all of their hair and apply the shampoo to their roots – this only cleans the top of it. Really, you should be shampooing twice. Shampoo is technically for the roots, so it’s good to focus on your scalp, but don’t forget to emulsify it through and make sure your ends are clean, too.”
Natalie Anne, Owner of Natalie Anne Hair
“You should condition your hair with every wash, around 3 times a week. You don’t want to overdo it, but at the same time if you are very active and sweat often, it’s good to make the most of every wash.”
Natalie Anne, Owner of Natalie Anne Hair
Hair Treatments
“Everyone has been spending majority of their time at home, and we must make sure that self-care is including our hair. If you haven’t started to care for your hair at home yet, start now! Use the correct treatments for you, and make sure that they suit your hair needs. This way, when you decide to visit your hairdresser for that new look you’re after, you” be ready to go!”
Natalie Anne, Owner of Natalie Anne Hair
Don’t Be Emotional
“Many people nowadays are feeling like a change, and they’re ready to take it out on their hair. That’s perfectly fine, but it needs to be done correctly. Make sure that your ‘change’ isn’t too emotional, and that you will like it in the long-term. Bring your photos to your hairdresser and make sure you nail the brief!”
Natalie Anne, Owner of Natalie Anne Hair
Styling At Home In Under 5 Minutes
Digital Content Coordinator: Zoe Kanlis
Featured Image: Instagram