9 Wedding Day Traditions And Superstitions

Regardless of our different cultures, it’s safe to say that we all know and take part in a range of traditions and believe in certain superstitions when it comes to weddings. They’re a little weird and whacky but always special and memorable and we all love them regardless.

From the common to the obscure, here are some of our favourite wedding traditions and why they came about in the first place.

1. Something Old, New, Borrowed & Blue

We’re all familiar with this particular tradition but the reasons for it aren’t too commonly known. Originally an old English rhyme, the something old is supposed to symbolise the bride’s past and the new is for the couple’s happy future. The something borrowed traditionally comes from someone who is already happily married in the hopes that their good fortune rubs off on the new bride, and finally, the blue represents fidelity and love.

2. Carrying The Bride Over The Threshold

It’s cute and romantic, but the tradition that first began in medieval Europe started as a way to ward off evil spirits. People feared that the bride would be especially vulnerable from the soles of her feet, hence why the groom would lift her over the threshold.

3. Wearing A Veil

Speaking of evil spirits, brides first started wearing veils to ward off the nasty buggers, and the tradition has stuck ever since. First starting during the Roman times, people feared that the spirits would be jealous of the bride, so the veil served as a method of disguise.

4. Sugar Cubes

Greek culture often sees a bride carry a sugar cube in her glove in order to ensure a sweet marriage. We’re thinking it could also be a useful snack for later in the day?

5. Breaking Glass

In some Italian regions, it’s customary for the bride and groom to break a vase on the day of their wedding. Once broken, the number of shards would be counted and would symbolise the number of happy years that lie ahead for the married couple.

6. Silver & Gold Coins

The Swedes have a few different traditions that we love, but one of our favourites is where the father of the bride places a gold coin in the bride’s right shoe, while the mother places a silver coin in the bride’s left shoe. This symbolises a sort of financial security, and so the bride never has to worry about going without.

8. Sticking Dough

Many Lebanese brides will stick a piece of dough on their doors once the wedding is over. The tradition symbolises stability and a firmness in the marriage.

9. Joota Chupai

The Joota Chupai is a typically Indian tradition where the bride’s sisters and cousins steal the groom’s shoe and request money in exchange for them. The groom often ends up spilling a hefty amount of money in order to retrieve them, much to the pleasure of the thieves. This custom shows the acceptance of both sides of the family and their willingness to share a lifetime of fun together.

Cover photo: @kenzandnick

Posted in Culture, Wedding Traditions by wedded wonderland

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