We’ve all heard the typical pieces of marriage advice (like ‘don’t go to bed upset’ and ‘the wife should learn to cook’), but it’s not always going to stop you and your hubby from arguing and it’s definitely not going to guarantee that you’ll never get divorced.

Every relationship is different, so it’s all about what works for you; regardless, here are 7 pieces of marriage advice that we’re calling bull#!* on!

1. Be Careful of Your Girlfriends…

… because they may try and steal your man. Yep, another female actually said this to us. Our advice? Ladies, have girlfriends – and lots of them! Love your fellow sisters and make sure you always have time for a girlie catch-ups.

2. Don’t Marry a Man Who Makes Less $$ Than You

What is this, the 19th century? Marry for love, not money.

3. Do/Don’t Take Your Husband’s Last Name

Do what you feel is right for your relationship.

4. Never Fart in Front of Your Hubby

If your future husband thinks that ladies don’t pass wind, he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. It’s always a good idea to be comfortable in front of each other before committing to a lifetime of ‘togetherness’.

5. Never Go to Bed Without Resolving an Argument

An oldie, but a goodie; however, this advice is not useful in all circumstances. It’s great to talk things out before going to sleep (you’ll both probably rest easier), but if it’s a heated argument, it’s probably better to wait until you’ve both calmed down before trying to resolve. Sometimes, it is better to sleep on it!

6. Have a Baby ASAP

This one generally comes from a Mum or well-meaning Grandparent, but it’s not fantastic advice. Unless you’re desperate for a child or needing to conceive asap, it’s probably best to hold off trying and allow you and your new husband to enjoy married life together for a while!

7. Marry Your Opposite

Although a lot of the time you end up marrying someone with a very different personality to your own, don’t feel like you should only marry someone who’s your polar opposite. Marriage is a partnership so it’s great to have a husband who is strong where you’re weak (and vice versa), but it’s not the be all and end all.

Main image from Caroline and Jake’s wedding. Photography by Inlighten.

Posted in Ever After, Relationships, Single Ladies by wedded wonderland

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