When we first heard of HYPOXI, it sounded too good to be true. A low-intensity work-out that promises to help you drop dress sizes in a few weeks, without the sweat and extreme dieting. Now that we’ve tried it and seen for ourselves what it can actually do, here are five reasons you should seriously consider booking in for pre-Wedding session.
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1. It’s Free
Yep, the first session is free (click here to book your free session) and although it’s recommended you do a course of three sessions per week for four weeks, we guarantee you’ll be hooked after one. Some of the Wedded Wonderland team members saw results after their first booking!
2. It’s Easy
HYPOXI convert, Leah Enthoven lost a whopping 4.5kg in four weeks of the program at the Cross Roads studio in Adelaide and she raves about how simple it is, “My HYPOXI experience was easy. Because I wasn’t sweating like I do with a heavy workout, I could make it fit into my schedule during lunch breaks, before and after work – afterwards, I’d just need a quick makeup touch-up and I’d be ready to go again!
Leah before Hypoxi and two images of Leah after.
3. It’s for Fit Girls Too
So many girls assume that HYPOXI won’t work for them, because they already do all the ‘right’ things like go to the gym and eat well; however, the opposite is true. HYPOXI is perfect for fit girls who just can’t seem to lose those few kilos or who just want to drop a few cms from problem areas (like thighs, hips and butt).
4. Goodbye Cellulite
Not only can HYPOXI help you drop the kilos, but it is also made to drastically reduce cellulite, which is perfect for the Bride heading off on a honeymoon somewhere tropical!
5. You Can Wedding Plan
While you’re at your HYPOXI session you can check emails, watch your favourite TV shows or get some serious Wedding Planning done.
HYPOXI is a low-impact exercise method that is up to 3 x more effective at burning stubborn fat than traditional exercise. Through advanced vacuum and compression technology and healthy nutrition, HYPOXI activates your body’s natural system to burn specific areas of fat and cellulite. Discover the best version of you with HYPOXI. Click here to book your FREE TRIAL if you’re in Australia and click here if you’re in the USA, select a studio and begin your HYPOXI journey today to look and feel your best on your special day.
Main image another HYPOXI Bride, Cassie. Photography by GM Photographics. Cassie went to HYPOXI St Ives for her treatments.