Talk to any single girl facing Wedding Season and the issue of being alone will come up. With a single girl eye (and no handsome man) to distract you, there’s a lot of things a loved up couple might not notice.

Here’s our list!

  1. Other single girls and guys – we know, love is a battlefield and so is a wedding reception. The first thing you’re going to notice is all those other singles mingling around. They’re either your enemies or allies in this situation, so make your decision fast. Whether it’s your new BFF or planning your wedding hook up, you gotta make your move quick to make sure you get the top pick.
  2. The partners of the girls who aren’t single – as far as we’re concerned, this is only natural. Your ex-boyfriend, your science teacher, the guy you see on your morning commute, it’s amazing how they all look like wedding guests. You might also find yourself playing a game. If you had to pick only one guy, who would it be? Embrace it. If you think you’ve found a wedding kindred spirit, test her answer too.
  3. The clothes of other girls – Because that’s what girls do. It’s possible to tell nearly everything you need to know about another girl just from the shoes she’s wearing. There is nothing worse than being stuck having befriended by the girl who is for no good reason wearing practical shoes. Okay there might be a few worse things, but it ranks up there.
  4. Alcohol – and when you had your last drink. Chances are, it was long enough ago. Get another one. This applies even more if there’s a custom designed cocktail. It’s just polite to take the couple up on their offer.
  5. When the wedding cake is served – this also goes for any kind of food. Sometimes you just need a distraction and there’s not a better one than something sweet. Particularly if that something sweet involves chocolate.
  6. The hot groomsmen – and if they’re wearing rings. Or more importantly if they’re not. It’s time to break the tradition of the hot groomsman and bridesmaid. We have faith in you. You can do it.
  7. The table – after all, you need to know where you sit. Literally. If you’re sitting next to the hottest also single guy or on some strange table with no one anyone knows, it doesn’t matter. You’re gonna get an insight into your relationship. Try not to let it get to you, but if you choose to take that knowledge and use it? We wouldn’t blame you.
  8. The fighting couple – when you start taking bets on if they’re going to break up before you go home, you might have gone a little too far.
  9. How many bridesmaids there are. And what dresses they’re wearing – the wedding dress might be off limits, at least until you make it home. The bridesmaids are not.
  10. How the groom looks at the bride all day – because, aw. For all the judging, that adoring look on the groom’s face is enough to remind you why you’re here. Usually.

Posted in Single Ladies by wedded wonderland

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