10 Things No One Tells You About The Wedding Day

You’ve spent months looking at inspiration photos, checking in with suppliers, planning your bridal shower, putting together your gift registry and you’re wondering where did the time go and how did the wedding day come so fast!

But what is the wedding day actually like? You’ll never understand the feeling until the day actually comes and you’re the one dressed in white. But to give you a little heads up here’s a few things that no one tells you about the wedding day.

Here you go Fairies!

1. It Will All Feel Natural

At the end of the day, you’re about the marry your best friend so it should feel natural and right. Just embrace every moment and take in all the beautiful moments as the day will fly by so quickly.

2. You May Not Cry

Something about being the centre of attention or the whole surreal moment of being at the alter helps keep back bride’s tears. Just in case you do let out a tear or two, make sure you apply waterproof mascara to ensure you don’t ruin your bridal makeup look. Keep a few makeup touches and tissues your bridal emergency kit.

3. Somethings Don’t Always Go To Plan

Our inner perfectionists are coming out when it comes to spending countless hours over the past few months to plan the perfect wedding, the last thing you want is for everything to go exact to plan. But as annoying as it is, last minute things do happen but hey, why should a minor detail ruin your entire day? Don’t sweat the small stuff and just enjoy the day as it comes.

4. You Won’t Even Think Twice If Things Don’t Go As Planned

You’ll look back and think that was absolutely nothing! Planning your wedding was such a personal experience for you and your partner and the funny thing is you might be so caught up in the magic of the day, you probably won’t even notice the little things that went wrong!

5. It Will Be Weird To Suddenly Call Your Man Your Husband

But don’t worry, you’ll get used to it! From boyfriend, to fiancé to suddenly calling him your husband you’ve made it and it will defiantly sound weird for the first few times. But it’s so exciting and super surreal.

6. Your Dress Will Get Dirty

That is to be expected, after all, it is [most likely] white! But not to worry, these things can be fixed with a trip to a good dry cleaner that will have your dress looking good as new.

7. Walking Down The Aisle Goes Way Too Quickly

It’s one of those moments that are drawn out immensely long on TV shows and your favourite bridal movies and a moment every girl has dreamed of, walking down the aisle meeting her Prince Charming at the end. But when the moment comes, the butterflies are fluttering and there is an overwhelming yet natural feeling to just run down the aisle and into your man’s arms. With everyone staring at the beautiful bride, this only makes the bride want to walk faster to get to the other end. Slow this moment down and enjoy soaking in all the beauty around you.

8. You Most Likely Won’t Have A Chance To Enjoy The Food

After picking out and taste testing an exquisite menu for your wedding, chances are you won’t be able to sit back and enjoy it. You’ll be busy greeting guests, floating around your reception venue, thanking everyone for coming, taking photos and all the other newly wedded duties. You’ll be hanging for that hotel room service afterwards!

9. Your Honeymoon Will Be The Best Time Of Your Life

No more wedding planning, no more stress of the big day…it’s just you and your new husband! Take your honeymoon as the perfect opportunity to create some amazing memories with your partner and enjoy every second figuring out married life.

10. You Won’t Know What To Do With Yourself After The Day Is Over

Once you return to normal life after the honeymoon, continuing your day-to-day routines, it’ll seem like your wedding happened ages ago, even though it was only recent! Just remember, this is only the beginning, you have a lifetime of happiness, learning curves and times of growth ahead of you both.

Here’s to the happy couple, congratulations!

Written By: Alessandra Fasanella

Feature Image Via: Instagram

Posted in Fashion, Planning, Trending by wedded wonderland

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